black and white bed linen

Paket Wisata

Menikmati Keindahan Alam dan Kearifan Lokal di Kaki Gunung Dempo yang Megah

Wisata Alam

Desa wisata gunung dempo menawarkan pengalaman alam yang tak terlupakan.

a building with a chinese sign hanging from it's side
a building with a chinese sign hanging from it's side
a row of orange houses sitting on top of a lush green hillside
a row of orange houses sitting on top of a lush green hillside
a view of a rooftop with clothes hanging out to dry
a view of a rooftop with clothes hanging out to dry
a view of a small town in the mountains
a view of a small town in the mountains

Desa Wisata

Gunung Dempo terletak di kaki gunung dempo yang megah, berjarak tempuh 309 km. Memanfaatkan keindahan alamnya sebagai daya tarik utama bagi para pengunjung.


Gunung Dempo, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia


Setiap Hari 08.00-17.00